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Gen Con 2025 – Housing Registration Terms of Service


These Terms of Service describe the full scope of commitments between the convention operators, Gen Con LLC and its housing registration agent Q-rooms LLC (collectively referred to herein as “Management”) and the convention registrants (each a “Registrant”) booking hotel room assignments through the convention housing program. Please read the Terms of Service carefully. By requesting a hotel room assignment through the convention housing program, you (the Registrant) acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Terms of Service and authorize your selected hotel(s) to enforce convention housing policies as described hereunder.


  1. Communicable Disease Liability Waiver

  2. Housing Registration Dates

  3. Housing Eligibility

  4. Booking Method

  5. Minimum Guest Age Restrictions (new for 2025!)

  6. Nightly Minimum Stay Restrictions (updated for 2025!)

  7. Credit Card Requirement

  8. Modification Policy

  9. Cancellation Policy

  10. Chargeback Policy

  11. Hotel Deposit Requirement

  12. Guest No-Show Policy (new for 2025!)

  13. Early Departure Fees (new for 2025!)

  14. Room Assignment Beneficiary

  15. Multiple Room Assignments

  16. Miscellaneous Restrictions, Limitations, & No Warranty

  17. Contact Information


1. Communicable Disease Liability Waiver.  By booking room assignments for the Gen Con 2025 convention through Management services (i.e. the registration websites and/or call center) you acknowledge that exposure to COVID-19 and other communicable diseases is an inherent risk at any location where people are present, including the convention venue(s), hotel facilities, and local business establishments. You also acknowledge that Management and individual hotels have implemented various public health and safety protocols, and you agree to review and comply with applicable policies during your stay. You also accept sole responsibility for any health and financial consequences arising from your hotel occupancy and guestroom sharing choices, including the possibility of demonstrating proof of vaccination, quarantining in place, and/or obtaining supplemental lodging for guest separation should any room occupant become exposed and/or infected during the convention. Additionally, you release Management of liability for any harm, injury, loss of life, and/or financial damages sustained in connection with choosing to book and occupy the independently operated hotel guestrooms through our Services.


2. Housing Registration Dates. Housing registration start dates vary according to the Registrant’s group designation (Attendee, Exhibitor, etc.) assigned by Management. Housing registration closes for all groups at 11:59 pm Eastern time, Monday July 14, 2025.


3. Housing Eligibility. Eligibility to book room assignments within the convention housing program is governed by the registration policies applicable to the Registrant’s group designation. 


4. Booking Method. These Terms of Service apply to all room assignments regardless of method by which the assignment request is originally submitted and subsequently modified or cancelled (i.e. online, telephone, email). 


5. Minimum Guest Age Check-in Requirements (New for 2025!). Most convention hotels now require guests to be 21 years of age or older to check-in, obtain key cards, and accept responsibility for underage room guests. Registrants are individually responsible for reviewing hotel policies, including minimum guest age restrictions, prior to selecting room assignments. Registrants must be able to verify identity and age by presenting photo-ID to hotel agents during the hotel check-in process. Failure to meet minimum guest age check-in requirements may result in refusal of accommodations and assessment of fees in connection with cancelled reservations. 


6. Nightly Minimum Stay Restrictions (updated for 2025!). Nightly minimum stay (“NMS”) restrictions are in effect for all Indianapolis downtown hotels and selective suburban properties. To qualify for downtown lodging, guests must book stays consisting of 4-nights (4-NMS) or longer, Wednesday through Saturday nights inclusive. If a hotel requires a stay duration greater than 4-NMS, the NMS requirement will be displayed under the hotel policies section of the booking summary (e.g. “5-NMS, Tuesday through Saturday nights inclusive”). When performing guest room searches for booking, the website software enforces NMS restrictions by displaying a list of compatible hotels based on the selected check-in and check-out dates. The software similarly enforces NMS when Registrants attempt to modify a room assignment to change the check-in date, the check-out date, the selected hotel, and/or selected room type. If a Registrant’s stay dates change after booking a room assignment and no NMS-compatible rooms are available at the time of date modification, the Registrant must either retain the original dates and search for alternate hotel rooms later in the registration period or cancel the original room assignment in entirety, subject to cancellation fees (see article 9. Cancellation Policy). Important! Although the NMS policy is enforced by software automation during the Gen Con housing registration window, hotels are authorized to enforce NMS restrictions by refusing date modifications after Gen Con housing registration closes on July 14, 2025, by cancelling reservations if guests fail to arrive on the reservation check-in date (see article 12. Guest No Show Policy), and/or by charging one or more nights early departure fees if all room guests depart the hotel before the reservation check-out date (see article 13. Early Departure Fees). 


7. Credit Card Requirement. At the time of booking, room assignments must be secured with a valid credit card having an expiration date later than the convention end-date. The Registrant warrants he/she/they is either the credit card account holder or an authorized user of the credit card, and the Registrant authorizes the assessment of applicable cancellation fees and hotel deposits to the credit card on file.  


8. Modification Policy. Room assignments can be modified until housing registration closes at 11:59 pm Eastern time July 14, 2025. Modifications are free of charge, provided the room assignment is not cancelled in its entirety (see Cancellation Policy below). Possible modifications include change of hotel, room type, stay dates, roommates, guest contact information, special requests such as ADA Accessible room, and credit card billing information. 


9. Cancellation Policy. Upon booking confirmation, all room assignments are subject to cancellation fees. Room assignments cancelled before 11:59 pm Eastern time, Tuesday May 27, 2025 are subject to a cancellation fee in the amount of $50.00 USD per room. Room assignments cancelled after May 27, 2025 are subject to a cancellation fee in an amount equal to the nightly room rate without tax (i.e. the cost of one night stay, non-taxable) per room cancelled. Q-rooms LLC will be listed as the merchant originating the cancellation charge on the cardholder’s account statement. Cancellation fees are non-negotiable and non-refundable. 


10. Chargeback Policy. Initiating a chargeback with the credit card issuer to avoid or refuse payment of cancellation fees will result in immediate cancellation of all active room assignments associated with the Registrant’s account and forfeiture of future housing services. Registrants wishing to reinstate their housing privileges after initiating chargeback in error will be responsible for paying the full amount of cancellation fees owed plus $50.00 processing fee per chargeback. Management reserves the right to refuse reinstatement of housing privileges at its sole discretion, a measure typically reserved for repeat or dishonest offenders.


11. Hotel Deposit Policy. After housing registration closes on July 14, 2025 the hotel(s) will charge a non-refundable deposit per room assigned in the amount described under the Hotel Deposit policy disclosed at the time of booking and duplicated within the booking acknowledgement. The non-refundable deposit also serves as the cancellation fee per room if a guest modifies or cancels their reservation after housing registration closes July 14, 2025. If the credit card securing a booking is declined during deposit capture, the hotel is authorized to cancel the room assignment(s) immediately, without advance notice nor guest recourse.


12. Guest No-Show Policy (new for 2025!). In the event none of the guests listed under a room assignment check-in on the reservation check-in date (i.e. a “no show” scenario), the assigned hotel is authorized to cancel the reservation without advance notice nor deposit refund in accordance with standard policies. Guests unable to physically check-in at their hotel on the appointed date should notify their hotel and/or perform remote check-in procedures (i.e. place a phone call to the hotel front desk or check-in via mobile application), subject to the Hotel policies, terms, and conditions. Registrants are individually responsible for obtaining and utilizing hotel phone numbers and/or mobile applications to prevent reservations cancellation arising from late arrivals and no-shows.


13. Early Departure Fees (new for 2025!). In the event all guests confirmed under a hotel reservation depart the hotel before the reservation check-out date, the hotel may assess an early departure fee in an amount equal to one or more remaining nights of the guest reservation plus applicable taxes. The hotel must disclose the early departure fee policy during the guest check-in process. Guests wishing to avoid early departure fees must either modify the check-out date for their room assignment prior to housing registration closure on July 14, 2025 or request reservation date modification from their assigned hotel after July 14, 2025 but prior to guest check-in. Downtown hotels subject to nightly minimum stay restrictions (see article 6. Nightly Minimum Stay Restrictions) may refuse to modify check-out dates to enforce NMS policies.


14. Room Assignment Beneficiary. Convention room assignments are unique and proprietary to the Registrant who booked the assignment, regardless of any persons designated as roommates by the Registrant. Upon booking confirmation, room assignments cannot be transferred, traded, or otherwise re-assigned among Registrants, and each of the room assignments originating from a Registrant’s account will remain connected to the account until housing registration closes or until the room assignment is cancelled by the Registrant. After booking, only the Registrant may modify or cancel a room assignment connected to his/her/their account using the online website or through Call Center support services. 


15. Multiple Room Assignments. When booking multiple room assignments, the Registrant is responsible for differentiating assignments by assigning unique “primary guest” names for each assignment. In cases where two primary guests share first and last names, the Registrant should assign different middle initials, suffixes (e.g. Sr. and Jr.) or nicknames (e.g. Robert and Bob). Effective July 8, 2025 onward, Management reserves the right to review and cancel, without advance notice, any room assignments that appear, in Management’s sole and absolute discretion, to be duplicate bookings within the registration system.


16. Miscellaneous Restrictions, Limitations, & No Warranty.  NO WARRANTY OF CONVENTION ROOM ASSIGNMENTS AND HOTEL GUEST ROOM RESERVATIONS IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Registering to participate in the convention does not guarantee a hotel room assignment within the convention housing program. Obtaining a convention room assignment does not guarantee a corresponding hotel reservation. When housing registration closes, Management will transfer active room assignments to the respective hotels for guestroom deposit capture and reservations issuance. If a Registrant chooses not to accept the hotel reservation issued to them, he/she/they must cancel the reservation directly with the hotel. 


Beginning with guestroom deposit capture, each hotel assumes full control over the Registrants’ booking arrangements and guest lodging accommodations. Management has neither oversight, control, nor responsibility for the fulfillment of hotel guestroom accommodations and related guest services, including but not limited to reservations handling, deposit capture, guest check-in practices, room assignment/location on hotel property, suitability of accommodations, condition of facilities, hotel guest policies, guest services pricing and fulfillment, hotel rewards program membership, and guest billing. Management’s responsibility for room assignments ends upon conveyance of guests’ booking data to the hotels, and Management’s financial liability to Registrant is limited to fees (i.e. booking and cancellation fees) collected from Registrants by Management in accordance with these Terms of Service.


Access to the online housing registration website is granted exclusively for personal, non-commercial usage by convention Registrants. Sharing, selling, or otherwise transferring Registrant’s housing access is expressly prohibited. Accessing the website via automated program, scraping website data, and/or disclosing website information and data is also expressly prohibited. Unauthorized access and/or improper usage of the housing registration website will result in immediate forfeiture of housing privileges, cancellation of active room assignments, and further legal recourse at Management’s sole discretion.


Registrants are responsible for paying the booking and/or cancellation fees incurred in connection with room assignments associated with their Gen Con accounts. If a credit card securing a room assignment is declined or disputed via cardholder-initiated chargeback for any reason, the Registrant remains responsible for fee settlement, inclusive of any administrative fees to reinstate Registrant housing privileges.


Management reserves the right to cancel—without advance notice—any room assignment made in violation of convention policy and/or these Terms of Service. Management also reserves the right to restrict or deny housing services to Registrants who conduct themselves in an irresponsible or aggressive manner.


17. Contact Information.  Gen Con housing Registrants may contact Q-rooms LLC about these Terms of Service or other booking-related matters through the following channels:  
Email: gchousing@q-rooms.comPhone: (317) 688-1323, US Mail/Courier: Q-rooms LLC, Attn. Gen Con housing, 10624 S. Eastern Ave., Suite A-742, Henderson, NV 89052, USA.


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